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For Individuals.

Life Insurance


Allows your loved ones to remain financially secure if you die.

Why do you need life insurance?

If someone depends on you financially, life insurance is an important topic you shouldn't ignore. It can do more than replace a lost income – it can pay for final expenses, a mortgage, your child’s education and more.

For the people who depend on you

You’ve worked hard to build a good life for your family—life insurance helps your loved ones continue that lifestyle in the future.

For the future

If you’re on your own for now, consider life insurance if you’re supporting aging parents, don’t want to pass debt to family members, or to get the best price while you're young and healthy.

Jason from Underwriting with his son

How much life insurance do you need?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to life insurance, but a good rule of thumb is to start with seven to ten times your individual annual income.

Other factors to consider

Your coverage amount will depend on the need you are trying to meet, but these are some general factors:

  • Your immediate needs (income replacement, final expenses)
  • Your ongoing expenses (mortgage, utilities, childcare, credit card debt)
  • Your future expenses (education, retirement)
  • Any existing insurance (individually owned or through work)
  • Other expenses your family is expected to face

What would your family need?

Can’t afford to buy seven to ten times your annual income? Don’t sweat it. The important thing is that you start with something. Just because you can’t afford to buy your dream home doesn’t mean you’d choose to go homeless. So, start a foundation of life insurance with what you can afford, and make a plan to get what you need in the future.

What kind of life insurance is best for you?

We offer a range of life insurance products. An agent can help you make it easy to understand your options and choose the policy that's best for you and your family.

Term Life

Simple and affordable coverage that lasts for a specified amount of time.

Whole Life

Permanent and dependable coverage that builds cash value over time.

Universal Life

Permanent coverage providing flexibility with more moving parts.

For term life, your death benefit is the face value of your policy. So if you buy a $100,000 20 year term policy, your death benefit is $100,000.

Whole life policies with “level” death benefits pay the face value of the policy. Since the accumulated cash value in the account goes toward the payout, premiums are comparatively lower.

Whole life policies with “increasing” benefits pay the face value plus any accumulated cash value, so premiums are comparatively higher, but your money has more opportunity to grow.

Universal life policies also offer level and increasing death benefit options.

As your coverage needs change over time, you may increase or reduce your death benefit.

Term life insurance policies cover you over a predetermined, limited period of time, usually 10, 15, 20, or 30 years.

This type of coverage can make sense to get for the years when your loved ones are most financially dependent on you: while your children are young, mortgage or student loan payments are due, or retirement is years away.

Whole life provides coverage over your entire life.

Universal life provides coverage over your entire life.

Premiums are based on the age you take out the insurance and length of term period.

For term life, premiums are level and guaranteed for the initial term period of your policy.

For typical whole life policies, your continuous payments remain the same throughout your life.

Some options allow you to make a single payment, or to pay premiums for a shorter period such as 20 years or until age 65.

You may be able to change the frequency or amount of your premium payments—or even pay a single "lump sum." Change amount based on your changing needs.

The cash value of the whole life policy is available to you through policy loans or dividend withdrawals for needs that may come up, such as emergencies, education expenses, or starting a business.

You may borrow against or make withdrawals from the universal life policy's cash value. Use it for needs that may come up, such as emergencies, college tuition or to supplement retirement income.

Included with your coverage, the Accelerated Death Benefit Rider gives you the option to access a portion of your death benefit if you’re diagnosed with a chronic or terminal illness.

  • Option to convert to permanent life insurance
  • May pay annual dividends
  • Available as a “single premium” plan

What kind of life insurance is best for you?

We offer a range of life insurance products. An agent can help you make it easy to understand your options and choose the policy that's best for you and your family.

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Insurance solutions that fit your needs

  • Felix, 35

    Married with first baby

    Professor earning $50,000/year

    My wife and I know we need a plan to take care of our daughter, no matter what.”
  • Carl, 49

    Married with kids who are about to start college

    Independent contractor earning about $70,000/year

    Business is picking up and I’m glad it’s easy to get the coverage I need.”

Already have Assurity Life Insurance?

Assurity also offers life insurance benefits at your work.

Your employer may offer Assurity Life Insurance options as part of the benefits you purchase at work. The way it works is similar, but the policy details will be specific to your organization.

Why Assurity Life Insurance?

Mutual strength

For over 130 years, our financial strength has helped people support one another through difficult times.

A force for good

As a Certified B Corporation, we work toward positive impacts for employees, communities, and the environment.

Personal service

Get the customer service you need from real, responsive, and efficient people in our Lincoln, Nebraska headquarters.


These products may contain reductions of benefits, limitations and exclusions. For costs and complete details of the coverage, please contact your insurance representative or Assurity to review the policy for more information.

Policy Form Nos. I L0880, I L1702 and I L1419 underwritten by Assurity Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, NE.

Assurity is a marketing name for the mutual holding company Assurity Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Those subsidiaries include but are not limited to: Assurity Life Insurance Company and Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York. Insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company in all states except New York. In New York, insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York, Albany, NY. Product availability, features and rates may vary by state.

1 Provides a $500,000 initial base death benefit, based on a 35-year-old male, preferred non-smoker earning $50,000 annually, initial monthly premium $37.41, guaranteed level for the first 20 policy years

2 Provides a $50,000 initial base death benefit + $50,000 accidental death benefit, based on a 49-year-old, select non-smoking male earning $70,000 annually, initial monthly premium $ 120.02.