Putting Wellness First
Healthy living takes more than a balanced diet and exercise.

Remember those fitness tests you – or perhaps your children – took in P.E. class in elementary school? The sit-ups, push-ups and the infamous “sit-and-reach” box?
Nearly 60 Assurity associates relived those days during our Leading Wellness event Sept. 19. This time, however, they were part of a fun afternoon that tested our limits and encouraged teamwork – and new friendships.
Gathered at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Outdoor Adventures Center, teams rotated through a circuit of activities. Some of them, such as the climbing wall, tested our strength and dexterity, while others – the slack line and “slow” bicycle races, for example – challenged our balancing skills. Those sit-ups and push-ups were part of the Act Your Age challenge, an idea inspired by our CEO, Tom Henning. Based on American Academy of Sports Medicine research, associates could determine their “fitness age” by averaging their results.
The 11 participating teams each included five or six associates, many of whom often don’t work together on a daily basis.
“Some people had just met for the first time,” said Wellness Coordinator Laura-Leigh Norris, RN. “Watching them really work together and be competitive was the best part.”
Our efforts to promote associate wellness aren’t limited to the occasional event – Assurity has maintained a corporate wellness program for more than 15 years. Within that time, we’ve earned the Nebraska Governor’s Excellence in Wellness Award and Gold Fit-Friendly Worksite status from the American Heart Association.
But we don’t promote a culture of wellness for accolades or financial gains. We want one another to be physically, emotionally and financially happy – after all, being healthy means more than exercise and a balanced diet.
So, how do we help our associates to be their best selves? We strive to eliminate some of the barriers, such as time or a lack of support, our people may encounter in meeting their wellness goals. Onsite activities range from individual lifestyle coaching and healthy meal preparation to yoga and group fitness classes – and they’re open to all associates.
“A person deserves to be able to put their health and wellness first,” Norris said. “Healthy individuals are able to bring their best to their families, friends, careers and hobbies, and just feel good about themselves.”
Here are some of the ways we promote wellness in our culture at Assurity:
- Annual health fair
- Community-sponsored agriculture (CSA) with Robinette Farms
- Continuum Employee Assistance Program
- Onsite group fitness classes
- Gym membership reimbursement
- Hy-Vee meal prep
- Lifestyle coaching and weight-loss programs
- Lunch & learns
- The MOVEment – yearlong run/walk and bicycling mileage challenges
- On-the-go education
- Onsite bi-annual health screenings
- Onsite yoga classes