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Assuri­ty Launch­es Guar­an­teed Issue Acci­dent Insurance

New individual coverage provides support for those facing unexpected medical bills.

Matt Balascak Headshot

By Matt Balascak, Content Writer and Podcast Host


Assurity Individual Accident Insurance with Guaranteed Issue

Assurity Life Insurance Company launched new Individual Accident Insurance, providing affordable protection for unexpected medical expenses from accidents and injuries. It offers plans at different price points and levels of protection to meet a wide variety of needs. Customers receive a direct benefit they can use however they want for events like broken bones, ambulance rides, x-rays and more.

“More customers than ever find themselves with a gap between what their health insurance covers and what needs to be paid,” says Todd Reimers, Senior Vice President and Chief Distribution Officer. “Accident Insurance is designed as an easy, affordable way for them to complement their health coverage and help cover sudden medical costs without relying on savings.”

Coverage is guaranteed issue with no medical tests, exams or health questions, making application fast and easy. Plans are available for individuals and families, as well as unique coverage for children, giving customers new ways to tailor protection to their unique situations. A native online quote-to-application platform is available at launch to streamline sales for distributors.

Plans can be customized with optional riders and choices for both 24-hour and off-the-job coverage. All policies include an Accidental Death Rider which pays a benefit if an insured person dies in a covered accident.

Acci­dent Insur­ance is designed as an easy, afford­able way for them to com­ple­ment their health cov­er­age and help cov­er sud­den med­ical costs with­out rely­ing on savings.”

Todd Reimers Assurity Senior Vice President and Chief Distribution Officer