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3 Ways To Make Enroll­ments Eas­i­er in 2024 

Try Assurity’s newest tool: custom product videos

By Rebecca Svec, Content Writer


Assurity makes enrollments easy

Enrollment time.

Whatever you as a producer call it –fast-paced, crunch time, the busiest time of the year – we get it and we’re here to help. Assurity offers new tools and award-winning support to lighten your load.

As you juggle meetings, inquiries, demands and deadlines, leverage Assurity’s strengths to gain back time. From new custom product videos to share with employers to our best-in-class enrollment platform, here are three ways we can make enrollments easier for you and your groups:

1. Educate your groups with engaging content that’s easy to create

The challenge:

Reminding employees that the unexpected can happen to anyone, even them. Then, share how voluntary benefits can help protect their futures and finances. (All in a brief allotment of time and attention.)

The solution:

Use our pre-sale Worksite Proposal System to prepare for meetings and education. The platform allows you to easily and quickly run quotes, share details on products and more. Once approved for enrollment, you can generate a benefit education website specific to your group. The websites include:

  • A group’s products and benefit details
  • Customized explanatory videos
  • Rate information
  • Ready-to-print or share enrollment booklets

2. Put powerful technology to work for you

The challenge:

You’re buried in administrative tasks, like entering enrollment info and processing applications.

The solution:

Let our enrollment platforms do the detail work.

Assurity not only offers digital enrollment options, but we also provide one of the best and easiest to use: Selerix. We offer a no-cost build for Assurity products on the Selerix BenSelect platform, which:

  • Takes the build out of a broker’s hands
  • Supports enroller-assisted enrollments
  • Provides an intuitive self-service feature for employee enrollment

We also have data integration with Ease and Employee Navigator and can support enrollments on a wide range of other platforms.

New in 2024! Custom group product videos, which you can create in minutes. Each shares details about a specific Assurity product and why it holds value for employees, personalized with your information.

You begin with a demo and follow its link to get started within minutes. Then, email the videos personalized with your name and contact information directly to an employer.

Create a custom enrollment video now

3. Manage expectations with stellar service

The challenge:

Managing high expectancies, answering employee questions, and providing great service on a deadline.

The solution:

Rely on Assurity’s award-winning service.

From our call center to our IT team, a real person answers your call and your questions from our home office in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Producers receive support before, during and after an enrollment from a dedicated Worksite Service Team, which can include a regional sales manager, regional coordinator, case manager and a billing administrator.

Here's what one of our top brokers says about Assurity service: “The support that I have received right before or during an enrollment makes it so much easier. I have had questions right in the middle of an enrollment and (support representatives) from Assurity have been able to guide me through it, right then.”

Remember, we're here to help: Make this year your best enrollment time yet - for yourself and the busy employers you work hard to serve.

If you have questions about our plans or need enrollment resources, please contact your dedicated regional team.

Connect with your regional team to learn more
The sup­port that I have received right before or dur­ing an enroll­ment makes it so much eas­i­er. I have had ques­tions right in the mid­dle of an enroll­ment and (sup­port rep­re­sen­ta­tives) from Assuri­ty have been able to guide me through it, right then.”

Assurity Worksite Broker