3 Sales Strategies Inspired by Watching Scary Movies
It turns out spooky movies are filled with business lessons. Check it out.

By Matt Balascak, Content Writer and Podcast Host

Are you a fan of heart-pounding horror movies? Cheesy slasher flicks? Or do you prefer to stick to family-friendly Halloween favorites? October is here, which means scary movie season is upon us – and there are plenty of sales lessons you find between the frights.
So what have we learned after years of watching characters make the same mistakes in different settings? Read on to find out.
1. It's All About the Timing
Disaster always seems to strike when things are going right. Characters are celebrating graduation or having fun at summer camp when things take a turn – proving you always need to stay vigilant. Don’t narrow your sights to wrapping up the year while other opportunities escape your grasp. With clients renewing their health insurance plans, it’s the perfect time to introduce supplemental products. If you can time it right, you’ll make the most of interactions with people whose coverage has changed or whose deductibles have increased. If you sell group products, you can show employers how to help their employees while still protecting their bottom line.
2. Always Bring Backup
When our protagonist finally comes face to face with the villain, something always goes wrong. Their trap malfunctions, they trip on a tree root, the car doesn’t start… you get it. You can’t always count on Plan A to take care of everything. If a client isn’t ready to reevaluate their insurance at year-end, don't wait for next November. Turn it into a chance to have conversations all throughout the year. People have a lot on their plate this time of year, so have a backup plan to reach them at a moment that works.
3. Surprises Can Be Anywhere
Most scary movies would end quickly if the characters expected the monster behind every door. You can similarly avoid pitfalls by anticipating the unpleasant surprises that you and your colleagues have run into in the past. Even if low enrollment turnout or unexpected objections don’t jump out from the closet, you’ll have ideas on how to avoid and mitigate common problems ahead of time.
Happy Halloween – we hope your enrollment season brings more treats than tricks! Reach out to your regional sales representative for any assistance you need this season.