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Why Critical Illness?

More than half of Americans (56%) have less than $1,000 in savings.*

As medical technology and attention to overall health continue to advance, it only makes sense that those hit with critical illnesses like cancer, stroke or heart attack are surviving at higher rates than ever. However, with out-of-pocket costs rising, a critical illness could turn into a bigger, financial issue.

Assurity's Group Critical Illness Insurance is an affordable solution that pays a lump sum benefit upon diagnosis of a covered critical illness, helping offset costs of care and providing the freedom to choose treatment options.

Critical Illness Insurance does not cover the diagnosis or treatment of COVID-19.

About Group Critical Illness

Assurity's Group Critical Illness insurance provides employers three distinct plans and price points to choose from, plus a unique Prime benefits plan - all of which are HSA-friendly.

Group Critical Illness

Group Critical Illness insurance provides a lump-sum benefit for expenses that may not be fully covered by major medical insurance should a critical illness strike. We've rid ourselves of the category approach and now offer three distinct plans with valuable add-ons for extra financial protection.

Group Critical Illness - Prime Benefits

The Prime plan helps offset costs of care and provides the freedom to choose treatment options by focusing on 8 core benefits, which represent some of the most often-claimed critical illness plan benefits (heart attack, stroke, coronary bypass surgery, angioplasty, sudden cardiac arrest, invasive cancer, non-invasive cancer and skin cancer).

How it works

At your annual physical, your doctor notices a lump and recommends a biopsy.

A biopsy is performed and you are diagnosed with an invasive stage 3 Lymphoma.

You respond well to treatment and are declared cancer-free.

Your treatment is covered, so you file a claim and Assurity sends you a check.

Get in touch

To learn more contact your Regional Sales Team

*2015 American Association for Critical Illnesses


Group Critical Illness insurance provides limited benefit coverage, is not a substitute for major medical insurance, and may not be appropriate for Medicaid recipients. It may contain reductions of benefits, limitations and exclusions. The description of benefits is intended only to highlight the insured employee’s benefits and should not be relied upon to fully determine coverage. If this description conflicts in any way with the terms of the policy/certificate, the terms of the policy/certificate prevail. For complete benefits descriptions and conditions, see the policy/certificate.

Circular 230 Disclosure: Any U.S. tax information contained in this communication is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any matters addressed herein.

Policy/Certificate Form Nos. G H1715 and G H1715C and Certificate Rider Form Nos. R G1716C, R G1717C, R G1718C, R G1719C, R G1720C, R G1721C and R G1722C underwritten by Assurity Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, NE.

Assurity is a marketing name for the mutual holding company Assurity Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Those subsidiaries include but are not limited to: Assurity Life Insurance Company and Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York. Insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company in all states except New York. In New York, insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York, Albany, New York. Product availability, features and rates may vary by state.

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